17 Best Hiking Snacks for Peak Energy

17 Best Hiking Snacks for Peak Energy

Posted by Fastachi on Nov 4th 2024

Hiking is an enjoyable outdoor activity, especially when one gets to spend time in nature with an addiction to adrenaline. The only problem is that chugging up those trails takes so much stamina; hence, you need healthy backpacking snacks to boost energy. You might want to make do with convenient options, but you need more than that. This is the guide a person needs when going hiking to ensure they focus on healthy snacking.

How Often Should You Eat on a Walk

Apart from not knowing the right hiking snacks, many first-timers also have issues with when or how often they should eat. You need energy from good hiking snacks and water; otherwise, you risk getting tired, dizzy, or overwhelmed. It is advisable to take at least 200-300 calories per hour spent on the trail. The more challenging the hike is, the longer you plan to stay out, so the more food you'll need. Remember to take high protein hiking snacks every 60-90 minutes. Don't wait until you're too tired or cranky to eat.

What to Look for in a Hike Snack

Trying to carry the best backpacking snacks can be tricky. On the one hand, you want to be safe and bring what you need, while you also want to avoid overpacking. How do you know that it is a good snack? What makes it worth it? Here are the qualities to look for in a hike snack.

  • Nutrient-rich
    Make sure it has a great balance of protein, sugar, fiber, and healthy carbs to keep you full and re-energized.
  • Lightweight
    Given you will be walking all day, pick snacks that are easy to carry and not too bulky that your bag slows you down. 
  • Shelf-stable
    Make sure your snacks stay fresh and safe all day. 
  • Variety
    You will look forward to your next meal when you have a variety to choose from, so play around with the colors, flavors, and textures. 

Top 17 Snacks for Hiking 

There are so many good hiking snacks to choose from and if you are wondering where to start, here are some of the top suggestions to help you decide. 

Nut Butters 

One of the best hiking snacks for hikers is  nut butters, which are yummy, easy to carry, and pack a nutritious punch. They provide the proteins you need for your long hike ahead, fueling you through it. You can go for almondpeanuthazelnutwalnut or any other type of butter and eat it alongside crackers or fruits. 

Roasted Cashew Butter

Roasted Cashew Butter

$11.00 - $20.00


Mixed Nut Butter

Mixed Nut Butter

$11.00 - $20.00


Roasted Almond Butter

Roasted Almond Butter

$11.00 - $20.00


Homemade Trail Mix 

Why not have fun and play around with the plethora of store-bought options available on sale to make a unique nutritious mix? As if there is such a thing as a wrong choice, you really can add everything from pretzels and  mixes of nuts to dried fruits, chocolates, and anything else. 

Fresh Fruits 

Fruits are extremely healthy backpacking snacks for all people, and the best part is that one will find numerous options available from his choice. Apples, oranges, apricots, bananas, pears, or any juicy fruit you like could be eaten.

Dry Fruits

If you want to pack fruits but are worried about being on the hiking trail for a long time,  dried fruits are one of the high-energy snacks for hiking. They offer the same nutritional value but are lighter and easier to carry around. Dried orangesmangoes, and pineapples make great options for long-lasting, dried fruits. 

Dried Cranberries

Dried Cranberries



Fruit Passion Mix

Fruit Passion Mix



Glazed Apricots

Glazed Apricots



Fruit Leather

Fruit leather also works if you want to enjoy the tasty goodness of fruits without the extra weight or clean up afterward. You can buy from stores or make your own from the fruits you enjoy, including berries, peaches, apples, and grapes.


Turkey or  beef jerky goes a very long way when you need high protein hiking snacks. You can also pack meat sticks from your local store or even make your own using a dehydrator. Remember to take small quantities at a time and rehydrate. 

Meat Bars

If you love meat, then you'll appreciate the amazing texture and flavor of meat bars. They are one of the healthy hiking snacks when you need a quick calorie boost, but be sure to rehydrate after eating them and always choose high-quality options. 


Cheese is one of the most versatile and best snacks to take hiking. You can enjoy it on its own or add it to sandwiches and wraps. Swiss and cheddar cheese are top options, and being rich in protein makes them perfect for boosting your energy during a hike.


There is nothing like a cold glass of milk when you are dehydrated, and what better pairing than a  tasty chocolate treat? These two, in a considerable amount, are rich in nutrients and can help you re-energize while on the trail. There’s a variety of chocolates you can choose from — whether it’s dark chocolatemilk chocolate, or even chocolate with raisins — all of which complement milk perfectly and provide a delicious boost of energy.

Milk Chocolate Peanuts

Milk Chocolate Peanuts



White Chocolate Almond Bark

White Chocolate Almond Bark



72% Dark Chocolate Espresso Beans

Dark Chocolate Coffee Beans




There are lots of reasons why granola is among the most popular high energy snacks for hiking. Buy from the store or, better yet, make your own bar with oats, nuts, seeds, and more using ingredients in your own kitchen for a healthy, light snack. 

Hard Boiled Eggs 

Carry hard-boiled eggs, as they are easy to prepare and store; there is much nutrition inside. The cherry on top, of course, is that you mix and match them with other foods to make a healthy salad or a robust filling for tortilla wraps.


You can never go wrong with crackers as one of the snacks to take hiking. Not only can you munch on them but it is also a great option for when you need a pairing for tuna, nut spreads, or other dips. 


Tuna packets are a snack to look forward to towards the end of the trail when you relax and take in the views of the destination. It provides proteins to fuel your way back and the best way to have it is with crackers. 


Seeds are among the best backpacking snacks, and their small size makes them easy to snack on while hiking. Consider options like pumpkin, sunflower, and  squash seeds, which are packed with tasty and nutritious goodness.


Vegetables are among the healthiest snacks for hiking, but just in case you want some cheaper and more available alternatives, you can get broccoli, carrots, kale, cauliflower, or any other fresh vegetable rich in nutrients.

Protein Bars

Protein bars are a hit when it comes to good backpacking snacks because they are portable yet packed with energy. However, be sure to choose low-sugar options and limit your intake to two bars at most. 

Tortilla Wraps

While you can go for a sandwich, there is a risk of it getting squished in your bag, which makes tortilla wraps the better option. Your ingredients remain protected, so you can use fillings like cheese and meat to create the perfect meal during your hike.

How To Pack Your Hiking Snacks

Now you know all about the best snacks to take hiking, which leads you to the next burning question: How do I safely pack them? Here is how to keep your snacks fresh and easier to store and carry. 

  • Use containers and reusable bags
    The last thing you want is to carry bulky snacks. You can transfer them into small containers or reusable bags, and if possible, chop them into smaller pieces. This is a plus because they are going to be easier to eat. 
  • Use refrigeration
    While you shouldn't carry snacks that require refrigeration, you can keep drinks cold and keep fruits and veggies crunchy by packing some ice packs or flasks. 
  • Pack light
    Remember to focus on quality, not quantity, when picking the best snacks, so you still have what you need, without the hassle of carrying around a heavy bag. 

The best day outside is when you are energized and can take on any terrain. Considering the demanding nature of hiking, you need a lot of water and food to keep you alert and comfortable. The above are some of the best hiking snacks that are lightweight, shelf-stable, and nutrient-rich that your body needs to brave the long trails. You can pick your favorites, safely store them in air-tight containers, and always remember to pack light.

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